White Culture - Game of Thrones
Survival Mode - A podcast by Zeda Grace

No… I am still not over it. Like Noah in “The Notebook” or the election results in Nevada and Georgia by mail-in ballot. “It was never over, it’s still not over.” Giving you a nice little part two to the last post looking at white culture: Shrek and Breaking Bad specifically, we are moving on, taking our next classic: the surprisingly progressive, feminist stance for Game of Thrones. As protocol, we are just not going to acknowledge the last few episodes. These showrunners–These are the two white men we should be holding most accountable for our problems. Fuck Christopher Columbus and our white savior mentality. D&D or Dooney & Bourke or whoever the imagineers of HBO’s destruction and mutilation of George R.R. Martin’s literary tact of “A Song of Ice and Fire”, deserves to be accountable for their sins, Black Mirror style. I’m thinking that episode where they wake up in a dystopia and can’t remember why they’re there, but are being hunted. If we were a novel country really intent on our military prestige, we could be using role-play scenarios like Black Mirror to reform our prison population, because our current criminal justice system is fucked, for the record. That’s the type of conversion therapy I’d really like. Take all the actors and actresses who enjoy being characters for all of those Halloween horror nights at theme parks, slap them into role-play scenarios, then teaching empathy (but with your rape culture or conversion therapy mentality and we’ll hold the same empathy that the Trump administration or GOP held for literally anyone other than themselves in the past year towards whether we should “tell them” its just a set up, ya know?) I like toying with emotions and really drilling in the reality for people. Why shouldn’t rapists, domestic violence abusers, murderers, politicians who use their status for individual financial gain and purposefully mislead the citizen’s they were elected to represent, have to enter a Hunger Games style arena for the amusement of normal, working class individuals who aren’t sociopaths. THAT is the type of MMA, Gladiator-Coliseum television show that I would actually endorse. But only if it involves healthy life lessons and it’s really a trap and we pardon people based around the mentality they employ over their actions or who they (try) to kill. In my reality, technology has advanced enough so we can just pause their actions or Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban time-turner style it so we can adjust the outcomes and save the good (Buckbeak). For legal reasons, I feel like I should stress that is a joke. I’m well aware, however much I loved the movie “Law Abiding Citizen”, that subjecting the people who hurt you to the same abuse you were subjected to is not the way to go to employ change. Take the kid in grad school who went on a coked out rampage in my apartment, only to threaten to shoot me and then physically intimidate me in my apartment complex (where we BOTH lived and also my employment) AND out at the local bars. Who accused me of “being too dramatic” for involving the police. THEN he even hired a lawyer to try and turn my own family member’s against me via facebook messenger. COULD I have demanded he go to actual prison instead of just being arrested and having to post bail, do community service, anger management, and domestic violence abuser’s classes? Yes. Could I have gotten him kicked out of school as well so that he had no chances of future employment while these charges were on him and no outlet for education? YES. Did I? No. I think we should all thank me for taking the civil route and not following my impulse of choking him out and throwing him in gator infested waters. Why the fuck do your parents endorse and excuse that behavior? What the fuck did you tell them to manipulate the way they looked