Promising Young WomEn
Survival Mode - A podcast by Zeda Grace

“Promising Young Woman” is the 2020 “American black comedy thriller” film written, produced, and directed by Emerald Fennell and Margot Robbie’s LuckyChap Entertainment production company. It’s only a “black comedy thriller” in the way that it “epitomizes being a young woman in the USA and the reality of that is terrifying for most American citizens who prefer to sweep the horrors of society aside and off their news screens in an effort to embody “good vibes only” mentality.” We’re a country that prefers to pretend our wars overseas are universally for “democracy” and hide the reality of our capitalist exploitation of the globe from the majority of citizens. Dunno what I would expect from a country whose education rankings are now below the global average, yet whose last president ran on an “America First!” platform. Before I dive in, I wanted to specify that I really appreciate, though am simultaneously constantly anxious about, the slow growth of this blog both within the United States and internationally. My life has essentially been one long Shonda Rhimes’ masterpiece, so I enjoy knowing it is being consumed by others. I also enjoy knowing I’ve provided enough Tiger King style quality of writing for true crime podcasts to dive down the rabbithole and uncover the truth if I were to be murdered by some random internet stalker who became enamored by my feet. (Yes, I should probably stop watching so much true crime.) I don’t do much advertising outside of my instagram and a random reddit account where I post to shamelessly plug and occasionally browse popular subreddits from pop culture I also consume (everything from Lord of the Rings memes to politics and My Favorite Murder to Sofia with an F and Berning In Hell), so if you share it with anyone and they get something out of it, feel free to let me know. My website is and has a contact section. I’m not very good at coding, so it’s incredibly simple, as I wasn’t really allowed to ever have a myspace or anything (overprotective fathers are all the rage, amiright Britney? #FreeBritney). But I do enjoy knowing what you get out of it…when it’s positive. I’ve got enough negativity on my own, clearly. I also like connecting over topics that people might need to first process by themselves, or in a detached state. It brings me joy being able to put into words things other people struggle with because it hopefully helps them to understand themselves. I should probably put trigger warnings before each episode, honestly, but I also think that is implied by who I am–thus, it’s redundant. I know it helps the people I’m close with to hear about my own vulnerability, and I think it highlights important things we should be considering more frequently. This piece in particular is going to cover sexual trauma in a fair amount of depth. And how it relates to my relationships. My navigation through the world as a young, promising woman in the United States. I hope that, whether you read it for yourself or to understand someone you’re in a relationship with or to just be a good friend or to share sympathy and experience with someone and know you’re not alone, that it brings something good to you. It’s my personal belief that it’s more important to be transparent and to embody openness and personal anecdotes. I know it’s uncomfortable for my biological family and previous friends. I don’t expect them to enjoy it, but I no longer can live my life with the culmination of experiences, events, and knowledge that I have and remain silent. I don’t think the horrors or awful things that are done, said, or happen to you should be hidden. I’m not discomforted by it, nor am I “ashamed”–it’s a part of “me”. And frankly, I love myself. So I don’t want to hide it, or who I am, or WHY I am th