Supergirl Radio Season 4 - Episode 16: The House of L
Supergirl Radio - A podcast by Supergirl Radio - Thursdays

In this week’s episode of Supergirl Radio, Rebecca Johnson is joined by Anj of Comic Box Commentary to discuss the Supergirl season four episode titled "The House of L"!
Official Description by The CW for Supergirl 4.16: "In the wake of Lex Luthor's (guest star Jon Cryer) return, the show flashes back to what he's been doing the last two years and how his secret machinations and plans have affected Supergirl and Lena. Guest Stars include Andrea Brooks (Eve Teschmacher), Robert Baker (Otis Graves), Gabriel Gurevich (Mikhail), Reese Alexander (Warden), Candus Churchill (Judge), Casey Dudley (Bailiff), Arran Henn (Newscaster), Raphael Kepinski (Kaznian General), Rady Panov (Class Clown), Sasha Piltsin (Kaznian Soldier), Alex Vishniakoff (Minister of Defense), and V.G. Winter (Ansley Crew)."
Supergirl stars Melissa Benoist (Kara Danvers/Supergirl), Chyler Leigh (Alex Danvers), Mehcad Brooks (James Olsen), David Harewood (J'onn J'onzz/Martian Manhunter), Jesse Rath (Querl Dox/Brainiac-5), Katie McGrath (Lena Luthor), Nicole Maines (Nia Nal), and Sam Witwer (Ben Lockwood). WRITTEN BY: Dana Horgan and Eric Carrasco. DIRECTED BY: Carl Seaton.
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