Supergirl Radio Season 2 - Episode 17: Distant Sun
Supergirl Radio - A podcast by Supergirl Radio - Thursdays

In this week’s episode of Supergirl Radio, Carly Lane and Rebecca Johnson discuss the Supergirl season two episode titled "Distant Sun"! Join in on the fun as the gang at Supergirl Radio covers The CW’s Supergirl!
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Official Description by The CW for Supergirl 2.17: "A large bounty is put out on Supergirl and aliens from far and near attack National City intent on taking out the woman of steel. Alex and Maggie run into Maggie's ex-girlfriend, Emily (guest star Hayley Sales), who is in town for a week. Hank gets an interesting order from President Marsdin (guest star Lynda Carter). Guest Stars include Teri Hatcher (Rhea), Kevin Sorbo (Lar Gand), Curtis Clarke (Bar Alien), Joel Cottingham (Engineer), Glenn Ennis (Eye-Patched Alien), and Michael Rogers (Hannibal)."
Supergirl stars Melissa Benoist (Kara Danvers/Supergirl), Chyler Leigh (Alex Danvers), Mehcad Brooks (James Olsen), David Harewood (Hank Henshaw/Martian Manhunter), Jeremy Jordan (Winslow “Winn” Schott), Chris Wood (Mon-El), and Floriana Lima (Maggie Sawyer). WRITTEN BY: Gabriel Llanas and Anna Musky-Goldwyn. DIRECTED BY: Kevin Smith.
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