S2 EP.5 - Jaz O'Hara - Refugee Activist

Stuck for Ideas - A podcast by Rumble Theatre


Jaz O'Hara - The Worldwide Tribe https://theworldwidetribe.com/join-the-tribe/ https://theworldwidetribe.com/podcast/ Short films - Jangala - https://theworldwidetribe.com/jangala-film/ Mother - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r15PwRtrqFk&ab_channel=TheWorldwideTribe Other organisations to check out: Choose Love, Care for Calais, Refugee Community Kitchen https://twitter.com/AlfDubs?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor  The Jungle - play by Good Chance Theatre Josh @dosomethingfornothing Our Inspirations: The Walk - Good Chance Theatre - https://www.walkwithamal.org/gallery/ Migrateful Original Music by Jack Baxter - www.jackbaxter.co.uk Sponsors: HUNA Sleep https://www.hunasleep.co.uk/

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