Episode 3 - Maggie Cole, Musican
Stuck for Ideas - A podcast by Rumble Theatre
MAGGIE COLE - an internationally renowned musician who specialises in modern piano, fortepiano and the harpsichord. American born but now a resident in England she talks to us about her journey into music both as performer and teacher. Weekly Inspiration: Ministry of Stories: https://ministryofstories.org/ Sydmar Lodge Care Home Album Covers: https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/seniors-album-covers-nursing-homes_ca_5f0b687dc5b67a80bc091a42 Maggie: Share More Air: https://open.spotify.com/album/2LSZnavFrGXwaIKZDyowbd?si=Mt5FBzQ0Sl-Ck8PfjkJ4UA Ben Folds - The Enemies Maggie: https://mountdela.com/a-roommaggiecole/ Kings Place, Concert Hall - https://www.kingsplace.co.uk/whats-on/classical/?gclid=CjwKCAjw0_T4BRBlEiwAwoEiAdzU-NcoqgQHC-zWjMSj7KvyNYjCdsvMJDM2SejJcoxyTZe8s1pDdxoCPwsQAvD_BwE The Sarasa Ensemble. Cambridge, Massachusetts - www.sarasamusic.org Olivier Messian, french composer Flamenco Fit, Battersea - https://batterseaspanish.com/course/flamenco-fitness-online/ Qi Gong - https://westlondonbuddhistcentre.com Exit track - Trio Goya (Maggie Cole on fortepiano, Sebastian Comberti on cello & Kati Debretzeni on violin) https://open.spotify.com/album/0jbzBf4o7Ggd1LFnkjEDQw#login