Episode 3 with David Behrends

In our third episode we are joined by David Behrends. David has an extensive career in the trading world. His career in coffee began at Dreyfus, followed by a significant 12-year tenure at Noble Group (later Coffco). Eight and a half years ago, he made a pivotal move to Geneva, joining Sucafina, where he currently is Managing Partner and Head of Trading. In addition to his extensive career in the commodities industry, David is also the founder of a startup called Farmer Connect. This venture reflects his commitment to leveraging technology and innovation to create meaningful connections within the agricultural supply chain. We thoroughly enjoyed this conversation and hope you will too. References: Jonathan Kingsman: The New Merchants of Grain: Out of the Shadows Jonathan Kingsman , Wouter Jacobs: Commodity Crops: And The Merchants Who Trade Them Alan G. Futerman , Ivo A. Sarjanovic: Commodities as an Asset Class: Essays on Inflation, the Paradox of Gold and the Impact of Crypto The World For Sale - Book by Jack Farchy and Javier Blas Uncommon Grounds: The History of Coffee and How it Transformed our World - Book by Mark Pendergrast

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Our mission with the Strong Source podcast is to educate and inform, by creating a community where experts and guests from the entire commodity industry can share their unique perspectives. Martijn, ex-cacao trader, and Alexander, ex-dairy trader and founder of Vesper, have a deep-passion for this industry, which inspired them to start this venture: "We’ll be sharing our personal experiences, the valuable lessons we’ve learned along the way, and give you a glimpse of what to expect in our future episodes." This podcast is powered by Vesper, the leading commodity platform.