Tactics Episode 2: Lose 10 Games

Warlords often have to take command of men who are new to them. We will discuss thoughts and ideas on how to battle harden your new army. The best warlords are not made from luck but from the drilling and practice they put themselves and their men through. Formations, scouting the enemy, learning the lay of the land, and leaning on your skill sets are all important parts of our advice to fellow warlords. Thank you to Sean, Luke, and Stephen for sharing your knowledge!

Om Podcasten

Saga from Studio Tomahawk is a miniature skirmish game that is easy to learn and difficult to master. This Podcast will cover a deep nuanced conversation about the tactics and flow of the game. Episodes will be made about once a month and be a round table discussion on a single topic. Members of the podcast will be from the local group here in Kansas City Metro Region in the United States. Join us as we create a manual for war on the Saga table!