Who Are You Called to Serve? - Stefanie Gass, The Stefanie Gass Show Podcast

What do you want to do with your life? Stefanie Gass is the host of one of the top 24 entrepreneurial podcasts out there today, The Stefanie Gass Show Podcast.  She chats with me about her business - what she does and how she got there. Stefanie answers my questions on one of my favorite podcast episodes - Ep 317 - Should You Start a Podcast - 4 Questions to Ask Yourself.  Stefanie hosts a podcast and she also offers classes to teach business owners to build their own businesses.Stefanie's advice transcends podcasting and is applicable to anyone who wants to start a new business. She challenges you to do what you are truly meant to do, what you are called to do.  She calls on you to clarify your purpose and answer the following questions:What do I do?Who do I serve?How do I serve them?Answering these questions can help anyone to focus on their path.  If podcasting is for you, even better.  Other words of Stefanie's wisdom:"Don't chase money, chase what you are truly meant to do.""Stop Throwing Spaghetti"The difference between social media and podcasting and how podcasting is "evergreen"Stefanie's free clarity workshop:4 Steps to Clarify Your Calling (gr8.com)Claudine Wolk Blog - https://www.claudinewolk.com/blogThis episode of Stories and Strategies for Women is brought to you by Eyebobs.  Enter code 'StoriesandStrat10" for a 10% discount at eyebobs.comand by ThriftBooks.com, the fun site to buy and collect used books. Claudine Wolk Substack: Get Your Book Seen and SoldClaudine Wolk Website: ClaudineWolk.comClaudine's Instagram - @ClaudineWolk

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Stories and Strategies for Women will share riveting stories about amazing women hosted by radio personality and author, Claudine Wolk. Through interview format Claudine introduces guests whose stories and expertise will entertain and motivate. Women will learn that they are not alone in feeling the way that they do and that they can feel good about their prospects. We cover self-care, beauty, mental health, romantic relationships, parenting, working mom issues, stay at home mom issues, women in history, true crime, entrepreneurism, cultural issues, and hot topics. A good story, well-told, is powerful and inspires action.