Susan Weeks: Some Thoughts and Questions around Stitchery Stories Podcast
Stitchery Stories - A podcast by Susan Weeks
Today we hear from Susan Weeks, the host of Stitchery Stories. Susan shares her thoughts around the future direction for this globally popular textile art podcast. She also unveils a Listener Survey that she would love everyone to complete. It's anonymous, only takes a minute and will really help her understand and serve all you lovely listeners in a more powerful way. And a key change is that Susan intends to put this podcast at the heart of her business, and focus on helping professional textile artists and embroidery artists with their quest and challenges around getting their businesses online, creating online courses and membership schemes, as well as selling stuff online too. This is a perfect example where professional skills and years of experience meet a much loved hobby. Sue is very excited about how this can develop! Susan chats about: She loves to see what you are stitching and working on How her online business skills and courses can support professional textile artists Why she started this podcast The 'Free' way vs the 'headache-free' way to develop your business Is textile art & embroidery your hobby OR your business? Please take part in the Stitchery Stories Listener Survey Also watch out for a survey for professional embroidery & textile artists Exploring sponsorship and other revenue generation opportunities For this episode... View Show Notes, Links & fill out the survey at Look: Like: Like: View: Survey: Early Stitchery Stories episodes you might like: