Jessica Grady: Embroidery Artist Using Unusual Materials And Bold Colours

Stitchery Stories - A podcast by Susan Weeks


Jessica Grady: Embroidery Artist Using Unusual Materials And Bold Colours ss018 Today on the Stitchery Stories embroidery podcast, Jessica Grady shares her life in fabric and thread. She chats with Susan Weeks about building her business after graduating from a textiles degree. Jessica has developed a very original style and features bright bold colours, and heavily embellished pieces, using traditional embroidery stitches with modern and unusual materials. Susan chats with Jessica about: Exploring a new theme of coral reefs and 3D structures How much time we need to spend working ON our business The power of social media and being featured by a French textile artist Which led to invitation to exhibit at French textile art festival in Nantes this year Creating interesting embellishments from recycled objects Freelance embroidery designs for the fashion industry Instagram inspirations Her love of 'washers' and the seemingly endless things she can do with them Cotton buds - her new favourite beads Being determined to 'Go For It' and strive for what you want as an artist Selected as one of 12 winning artists for the RAW Talent national award program Why people are drawn to Work In Progress shots The possibilities of Trello for organising ourselves If it goes through the fabric, you can use anything for embroidery! For this episode... View Show Notes, Links & Examples of Jessica's work at Visit: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:  

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