Episode 216 – William Buist – Your Journey of Intentional Mastery…

Intentional Mastery: Moving From Expertise To Mastery with William Buist  The most successful business owners niche down and hone in on that one thing they do to master it. It is possible to become an expert by doing it 1000 times. However, to go beyond your expertise and move into mastery in what you do, you have to be intentional. Mastery has no end. It is a lifetime journey of becoming better. Learn how to step beyond your market expertise by defining what you’re good and passionate about and choosing to be masterful. In this episode, William Buist talks about intentional mastery and how you can be intentional in your journey and in developing yourself as an individual to operate effectively and build a business that stands out from all of your competition.   William mentors business leaders, specialising in guiding his clients along the journey to mastery. He helps them develop a deep understanding of their business and where they want it to be. This clarity allows them to stand out. William goes further by working with his clients to develop masterful strategies. As a director and fellow of the Professional Speaking Association, William speaks to business audiences about intentional mastery. He is also a keen photographer, skier, and walker. These interests provide him with insights into business and life, which William passes on to others through his writing and speaking, allowing them to continue their journey to mastery. Let’s jump in! Key Highlights from the Episode; [00:00] Episode intro, a quick bio of the guest, William Buist [03:06] The coffee that William is drinking and a bit about his mug  [06:04] The Why behind William’s focuses on intentional mastery  [12:54] The individual gap between expert and mastery in business owners [16:08] How to know whether you are in the mastery stage  [20:13] Something significant that William has been working on in his business  [24:09] The difference that public speaking critic has made for William [27:23] William’s book, Intentional Mastery and how to get hold of It [32:48] The audit, how it can help you make a difference and where you can get it  [35:01] Golden takeaways from the guest that you can start implementing today [37:27] William’s next coffee location and the book he will be reading  [39:04] Wrap up and end of the show  Notable Quotes * Mastery is not a destination but a lifetime journey of getting better.* Everyone has a gap between expertise and mastery. * We’re all work in progress; keep working and looking at what you could do in your life that will make a difference. * Asking for help is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength.* When we listen well, we create the space for people to think; the brain is an amazing thing; it has most of the answers we need if only we give it time to think. Resources Mentioned  Intentional Mastery by William Buist: https://www.amazon.com/Intentional-Mastery-Beyond-Expertise-Business/dp/1912300621 More Time To Think Nancy Kline: https://www.amazon.com/More-Time-Think-Being-World/dp/1906377103 Let’s Connect William Buist 

Om Podcasten

Guests and experts from around the globe join me on my podcast to share some business tips or lessons learned, over a coffee online, and talk about their favourite coffee and places to drink. The discussions dive into personal and business areas of struggle and success, providing every listener with something to take away that you can use, and we talk about some great coffee and other drinks too.