3 reasons why you are SCARED to reach out to a brand. How to OVERCOME this insecurity.

We all know that feeling before sending your first pitch to a brand..  What if they say no? Am I interesting enough? etc. This is completely normal. But constantly being in fear and avoiding reaching out to brands IS NOT! Let me show you the reality of influencing and that you have nothing to fear. In fact after this episode you will be motivated to work with more brands. My course>> https://valcourse.com/ My Insta>> https://www.instagram.com/valerie_lisitsyna/

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A place for those looking to grow that will leave you with knowledge, tips and inspiration to help create and monetize your future using social media. Perfect for business owners, entrepreneurs, moms and college students. You have everything it takes to influence. Start listening on your car ride, while you work or at the gym.