#006:Q+A: Baby Weight, Calories, Fatty Foods

Starch Solution Weight Loss with Healthy Emmie - A podcast by Healthy Emmie - Sundays

Hey #HEALTHYHUNNIES! It’s Q+A part 2 time! You guys loved the first Q+A so here’s the part 2! The whole foods, plant-based diet is perfect for weight loss. It is naturally high carb and low fat, which allows our body to burn fat! I am ALWAYS happy to answer your questions and to have a conversation with you about how you can fuel that weight loss! Go ahead and send me an email at [email protected] and I would LOVE to help you out!! Anything goes!  1. No matter how much I exercise, I can’t lose weight. Why?  2. I’ve just had a baby and cannot get to my pre-pregnancy weight for the life of me. I see that you work with a lot of new mum’s. Any advice? Why is it so much harder now?  3. I don’t feel satiated when I don’t eat fats but I know that I should keep them to a minimum if I’m looking to lose weight. What should I do?  4. How do I know if I’m eating too much or not eating enough?  5. Thoughts on the potato diet?  6. How many calories should I eat for weight loss?  7. How do I know if I’m eating in a caloric deficit? 8. How do I stay motivated? Slim on Starch Program: https://go.thesosdiet.com/the-sos-diet-apply Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thehealthyhunnies/ YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/healthyemmie Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healthyemmie/?hl=en Email me: [email protected]

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