Episode 66: Women in Critical Care Mini-Series - Psychosocial Challenges Facing Physicians

In this episode, critical care specialist guest host, Dr. Amanda Schilling, will discuss psychosocial challenges around the diplomacy of medicine with Alaina Henry, a clinical counselor, Idaho State Supervisor and Adjunct Faculty at Northwest Nazarene University. Join us for this conversation that includes best practices on how to develop a support network, practice compassion and self-care. Read Transcript CME Information: https://stanford.cloud-cme.com/medcastepisode66 Claim CE: https://stanford.cloud-cme.com/Form.aspx?FormID=1542

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Stanford Medcast is an educational podcast ideal for the clinician on the go. Hot topics in medicine, healthcare, and education are discussed with world leading physicians and scientists. The podcast is produced by the Stanford Center for Continuing Medical Education.