Episode 61: Hot Topics Mini-Series - A Conversation with Dr. Carolyn Bertozzi

In this episode, we hold a conversation with Dr. Carolyn Bertozzi, a Nobel Prize laureate in Bioorthogonal Chemistry, and Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences at Stanford University. We will delve into Professor Bertozzi’s journey to become a chemistry research scientist and all of the achievements she has made along the way. We will also talk about her discovery of bioorthogonal chemistry and the impact it has on medicine today and in the future. For information on training programs in biomedical PhD programs, please visit The Sarafan ChEM-H/IMA Postbaccalaureate Program. Read Transcript CME Information: https://stanford.cloud-cme.com/medcastepisode61 Claim CE: https://stanford.cloud-cme.com/Form.aspx?FormID=1502

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Stanford Medcast is an educational podcast ideal for the clinician on the go. Hot topics in medicine, healthcare, and education are discussed with world leading physicians and scientists. The podcast is produced by the Stanford Center for Continuing Medical Education.