Episode 60: Hot Topics Mini-Series - Chronic Heart Health in Minority Populations

In today’s episode, we speak with Latha Palaniappan MD who is an internist, and clinical and population researcher at Stanford University. Her research has focused on the study of diverse populations, chronic disease and prevention. Dr. Palaniappan specifically seeks to address the gap in knowledge of health in Asian subgroups and other understudied racial/ethnic minorities). We will discuss Dr. Palaniappan's work in treating chronic heart health seen in this diverse population of patients. Read Transcript CME Information: https://stanford.cloud-cme.com/medcastepisode60 Claim CE: https://stanford.cloud-cme.com/Form.aspx?FormID=1494

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Stanford Medcast is an educational podcast ideal for the clinician on the go. Hot topics in medicine, healthcare, and education are discussed with world leading physicians and scientists. The podcast is produced by the Stanford Center for Continuing Medical Education.