Staggering Stories Podcast #431: Killer Tomatoes of Death

Summary: Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the Real Keith Dunn review Doctor Who: The Seeds of Death (1969) and the 1978 film Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, find some general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically: * 00:00 – Intro and theme tune. * 00:54 — Welcome! * 01:59 – News: * 02:12 — Doctor Who: Anniversary events. * 05:07 — Star Trek: Prodigy gets Netflixed. * 07:48 — Doctor Who: Filling the iPlayer with all the footage (almost). * 13:00 — Mark Gatiss: Another Christmas ghost story. * 14:39 — The Boys: Gen V gets a second season. * 15:18 — Doctor Who: Series 15 already filming. * 17:23 – Films that Dave Keep Would Watch: Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. * 29:23 – Doctor Who: The Seeds of Death. * 49:09 – Emails and listener feedback. * 54:57 – Farewell for this podcast! * 55:38 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc. Vital Links: * Staggering Stories. * BBC: Doctor Who. * Star Trek. * Wikipedia: Mark Gatiss. * Wikipedia: The Boys (TV series). * Wikipedia: Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. * Wikipedia: Doctor Who: The Seeds of Death. * BBC: Doctor Who: The Seeds of Death. * Facebook: Staggering Stories Group.

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Random thoughts from the Staggering Stories team, mainly featuring discussion on television Science Fiction such as Doctor Who, Firefly, Star Trek and so many more. Also general randomness on MMOs and all manner of other geek topics! Come and join in on the insanity!