Staggering Stories Commentary #248: Doctor Who – The Infinite Quest

Summary: Adam J Purcell, Andy Simpkins and Keith Dunn sit down, animated, in front of 2007 animated Doctor Who story ‘The Infinite Quest’, and spout our usual nonsense! Baltazar is on a quest, Caw isn’t a polyphase avitron and the Doctor is running about all over the place. But enough of their problems, please sit down with us to enjoy The Infinite Quest… Vital Links: * Staggering Stories. * BBC: Doctor Who. * Wikipedia: The Infinite Quest. * Doctor Who Podcast Alliance. * Facebook: Staggering Stories Group.

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Random thoughts from the Staggering Stories team, mainly featuring discussion on television Science Fiction such as Doctor Who, Firefly, Star Trek and so many more. Also general randomness on MMOs and all manner of other geek topics! Come and join in on the insanity!