#87 It can cost you your career to not have THIS skill

Spotlight your TRUE self - A podcast by Michaela Kettner - Saturdays


It doesn’t matter what you know. It doesn’t matter what you say or do. It only matters how you make other people feel. And having the ability to imagine what other people think or feel (to make them feel good) is called: Empathy. Empathetic people have a “service-mindset” towards their co-workers. They think about others. They share information. They communicate pro-actively. This will lead to things getting done. This will lead to efficient processes and better results. This will lead to a good atmosphere and team spirit. Because of this, empathetic people are very often the most liked co-workers. They are appreciated, recognized, rewarded and are very often the ones offered a promotion. In this episode you will learn: What empathy is What empathetic people do and how they do it Why empathy will be crucial in the future working world (dominated by AI) How empathy will increase your chances to get a job If you are looking for a job in the Corporate world or want to take the next step in your career, I would be happy to support you in your skilful self-presentation and showing your true, authentic self to a company! Therefore, this podcast is based on three pillars: • Self-confidence & self-esteem • Managing your emotions • Concrete communication techniques based on NLP And in each episode, you will hear about one of them. – Subscribe to not miss any important points! If you don’t want to miss the coming episodes – then following me on LinkedIn (Michaela Kettner) or Instagram (@michaela.kettner.fi). Keywords: Skilful self-presentation, successful career, fulfilling career, important for career, successful in my job, self-confidence, empathy, being empathetic, service-minded, service-oriented, people-oriented, good communicator, job application, reaching out to the hiring manager, phone call