Lesson 54: Advanced English Speaking / Idioms - Phrasal verbs
Speak English like a native speaker! - A podcast by Wafa Damlaj

After I MULLED OVER it, I finally GOT IT OUT OF MY SYSTEM and decided to get back to my favorite hobby. I have had enough stress lately due to being STUCK IN A RUT. I was neither doing well at work nor on a personal level. I found out that I was the reason behind my depression and lack of enthusiasm in life since I left the things that made me content and fulfilled. That’s why, I thought that once I set up a daily time slot to paint, I shouldn’t GO BACK ON the promise I made myself because I knew it would be my only way to LOOSEN UP and decompress. I knew that drawing and painting felt like a therapeutic session to me, I was sure it would help me LET OFF SOME STEAM. I GOT THE BALL ROLLING by DECIDING UPON which main supplies I needed to order to START OFF this project. I designated one corner of my room for my painting stuff. It was my absolute favorite place to spend my time and play with colors. I still have the wooden tripod easel that my uncle gave me as a souvenir. I believe that I have inherited this talent from him and I wish I would be able to FOLLOW IN HIS FOOTSTEPS and become a great artist like him. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wafa-damlaj/support