Episode 379: Christopher Nolan On The Music Of Oppenheimer

Recorded before the SAG strike began, our latest guest on Soundtracking is the legend that is Christopher Nolan. Criminally, it's the first opportunity Edith has had to speak to him on the podcast, so it was an absolute joy to welcome him on to discuss Oppenheimer, which sees him reunited with our good friend, Ludwig Göransson.

Om Podcasten

In a unique weekly podcast, Edith Bowman sits down with a variety of film directors, actors, producers and composers to talk about the music that inspired them and how they use music in their films, from their current release to key moments in their career. The music chosen by our guests is woven into the interview and used alongside clips from their films. https://itunes.apple.com/gb/playlist/soundtracking-with-edith-bowman-episode-132-mary-j-blige/pl.u-6mo4l9mhpzG6x https://play.spotify.com/user/soundtrackingwithedithbowman https://www.instagram.com/soundtrackinguk https://twitter.com/soundtrackinguk https://www.facebook.com/Soundtrackingwithedithbowman/