The Job of Paradise
Somewhere To Believe In - A podcast by Greenbelt Festivals

This episode of Greenbelt’s ‘Somewhere To Believe In’ podcast takes a different form. It’s a one-off.It knits together 45-minutes of reflection, conversation, music and prayer in the form of a listen-and-share service to mark the festival’s 2021 August Bank Holiday weekend incarnation (its 48th) – when only a fraction of the wider Greenbelt community could actually physically be together at the Prospect Farm pop-up camping gathering. The hope is that the audio form of the service will give everyone the chance to share and be connected in a unifying act of remembrance – wherever they are. Ideally, the audio is designed to be shared in and listened to at 11am on Sunday 29th August. But, of course, it can be listened to at any time. Again and again.The podcast takes its title from a wonderful poem by the poet Roger Robinson. It also features music from Soul Sanctuary Gospel Choir and the Wild Goose Resources Group, conversations with activists from Christian Aid, Trussell Trust and Refuweegee and readings and prayers led by Greenbelt’s from all corners of the UK. It is lovingly curated and narrated by Pádraig Ó Tuama – poet, theologian, and conflict mediator. (Pádraig also presents 'Poetry Unbound', a podcast from On Being studios.)____ORDER OF SERVICEDownload the order of service here____SUPPORTLast year – despite our not being together – you gave an incredible £33,000 in response to our service appeal. This year, let’s see if we can top that generosity!This year, your generous giving will be split 50/50 once again.50% will go towards the vital work that our partners Christian Aid and Trussell Trust do to challenge, advocate, develop and support – globally and domestically.And 50% will stay with us here at Greenbelt as we work to make sure the festival remains sustainable in these most challenging of times. So we can be back in the fields at Boughton House for a fully-fledged festival in 2022 – and beyond.Give here____LINKS AND RESOURCESPádraig Ó TuamaRoger RobinsonSoul Sanctuary Gospel ChoirChristian Aid in South SudanTrussell TrustGlasgow protesters praised for blocking UK immigration officersRefuweegeeWild Goose Resource Group____FEATURED TRACKS‘Lenten Psalm Tone’ by Soul Sanctuary‘Heaven Shall Not Wait’ by WGRG, Iona Community‘People Get Ready’ by Soul Sanctuary Gospel Choir____00:00 - Prayer for the earth00:35 - Welcome to ‘The Job of Paradise’01:49 - ‘The Job of Paradise’ read by Roger Robinson02:30 - Pádraig speaks to Roger Robinson10:33 - Prayer for the artists11:35 - ‘Psalm 27’ by Soul Sanctuary Gospel Choir16:26 - Chine McDonald and James Wani on aid in South Sudan (Christian Aid)21:32 - Prayer for those affected by war22:34 - Pádraig and Jonathan Lees on food banks (Trussell Trust)27:19 - Scriptural reading28:31 - Confession29:50 - Prayer for those responsible for racism30:26 - ‘Heaven Shall Not Wait’ by Wild Goose Resource Group32:39 - Pádraig speaks to Selina Hales (Refuweegee) about Glasgow immigration standoff38:21 - ‘Heaven Shall Not Wait’ by Wild Goose Resource Group38:56 - Prayer for friendship39:40 - ‘People Get Ready’ by Soul Sanctuary Gospel Choir42:34 - Prayer for our societies43:17 - A chance for conversation and response43:57 - Welcome back44:13 - Giving45:19 - Blessing46:15 - Thank you and credits____WITH HUGE THANKS TO ALL OF OUR CONTRIBUTORSSERVICE WRITER, NARRATOR AND HOSTPádraig Ó Tuama is a poet, theologian, and conflict mediator. He presents PoetryUnbound, a podcast from On Being studios.Website: padraigotuama.comTwitter: @duanallaGUEST ARTISTRoger Robinson is a writer, educator, and performer. His most recent collection ofpoems, A Portable Paradise, won the TS Eliot prize in 2020.Website: rogerrobinsononline.comTwitter: @rrobinson72GUEST ACTIVISTSSelina Hales is the Founder and Director of Refuweegee, a Glasgow-based charityequipping the local community to welcome and support refugees and asylumseekers making their homes in the city.Website: @SelinaHalesGreenbelt Partner Christian Aid is a UK-based charity whose mission is thecreation of a world where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty.Chine McDonald is Christian Aid’s Head of Public Engagement. She was inconversation with James Wani, Christian Aid’s country director in South Sudan.Website: @ChineMcDonald @christian_aidGreenbelt Partner The Trussell Trust is a charity working to eliminate poverty andhunger in the UK. They support a nationwide network of Foodbanks.Jonathan Lees is manager at Epsom FoodbankWebsite: trusselltrust.orgTwitter: @jonathanlees55 @TrussellTrustMUSICSoul Sanctuary Gospel Choir is a London-based gospel choir committed to creatingand sharing gospel music of the highest standard, especially in the places wheregospel’s power to raise the human spirit is most needed. You can find more of theirmusic via their website.Website: soulsanctuarygospel.comTwitter: @soulsanctuarygcLenten Psalm ToneMusic Edwin Fawcett, Lyrics Psalm 26/27 copyright Grail Psalter, performed bySoul Sanctuary Gospel Choir, from the album With All Your Soul (2013).People Get ReadyMusic and Lyrics Curtis Mayfield, arranged Peter Yarde Martin, performed by SoulSanctuary Gospel ChoirWild Goose Resource Group (WGRG) is a semi-autonomous project of the IonaCommunity. The Iona Community is a dispersed Christian community working forpeace, social justice, the rebuilding of community and the renewal of worship.Website: @ionacommunityHeaven Shall Not WaitWords: John L. Bell & Graham MauleMusic: John L. Bell copyright © 1987 WGRG, Iona Community, Glasgow.wildgoose.scotRecording from the CD ‘Heaven Shall Not Wait’ copyright ℗ 1991 WGRG, IonaCommunity, Glasgow.PRAYERS AND READERSUriel, Felice and Evodie Thornbury – young family members of the Hilfield FriaryFranciscan Community in DorsetVicky and Eve Allen, Greenbeters from East LothianGeraint Rees, Greenbelter and CODA festival team member from Rhondda Cynon TafProducerPaul NorthupEngineerJosh Clipsham, Greenbelt VolunteerRecorded Talks and Podcast TeamRecordistJake Bussell, Greenbelt VolunteerRecorded Talks and Podcast TeamPublisherDaisy Ware-Jarett, Greenbelt DigitalComms OfficerAdditional supportEmily Rawling, Executive Assistant andCopy Editor for Pádraig Ó Tuama____ Hosted on Acast. See for more information.