Sparc Technologies (ASX: SPN) brings new graphene technology to the ASX (w/ Tom Spurling)
Small Caps - A podcast by Small Caps
Sparc Technologies (ASX: SPN) managing director Tom Spurling speaks with Small Caps about the company's reverse takeover by former listed coal developer Acacia Coal (ASX: AJN). Following its recently announced $5.9 million acquisition of South Australian company Graphene Technology Solutions, Acacia is changing its name to Sparc Technologies with a view to become a "significant developer of graphene-based products that will disrupt and transform industrial markets". The company intends to leverage its exclusive research collaborations to develop and commercialise graphene technologies with its sights set on three initial target markets - marine and protective coatings, environmental remediation, and metals recovery from tailings. With a relisting date of Monday 23 November under the new ticker code 'SPN', the revamped Sparc is expected to have an enterprise value of $8 million and a market capitalisation at listing of $14.1 million.