89 — Current situation and No intro:(((

Here is the text in Russian with stressing marks:

Всем приве́т!
Ита́к, что со мной сейча́с происхо́дит? С про́шлого го́да я живу́ в Нитре. Э́то ма́ленький го́род в це́нтре Слова́кии. Мне о́чень нра́вится жить здесь, потому́ что здесь ти́хо и споко́йно. И лю́ди о́чень ми́лые.

С ма́рта всё бы́ло закры́то на каранти́н, поэ́тому мы сиде́ли до́ма|дома́. Сейча́с всё сно́ва рабо́тает. Ро́ма хо́дит в де́тский сад ка́ждый день. По выходны́м мы хо́дим в кино́. В сентябре́ он пойдёт в нача́льную шко́лу.


Hi everyone! So, what’s going on with me? Since last year, I live in Nitra. This is a small town in the center of Slovakia. I like to live here very much because it’s quiet and peaceful. And people are very nice. 

Since March, everything was closed in quarantine, so we were staying at home. Now everything is working again. Roma goes to the kindergarten every day. On weekends, we go to the movies. In September he will go to elementary school. 


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Thank you❤️❤️❤️


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Russian teacher Daria will help you to improve your Russian listening skills. In this podcast the Russian language is finally SLOW enough, so you don't have any problems understanding it. And if you do, the vocabulary section is just for you! You will also get some tips on Russian culture, traditions and daily life. Listen to slow Russian – learn faster! Podcast website - http://realrussianclub.com/slowrussianpodcast/ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/realrussianclubchannel Twitter - https://twitter.com/realrussianteam Donate with PayPal - https://www.paypal.me/realrussianclub © 2016 Daria Molchanova