#357: MM: The Real Return on Giving Compliments At Work

“Catch someone doing something right,” Ken Blanchard. Organizations benefit from team members being more kind to each other. In workplaces where acts of kindness become the norm, the spillover effects can multiply fast. When people receive an act of kindness, they pay it back and not just to the same person, but often to someone entirely new according to an article in the HBR. This leads to a culture of generosity in an organization. In this bite-sized episode we share with you how finance professionals can encourage more opportunities to give compliments to improve the impact and influence they make at work. #FinanceMentor #SITN

Om Podcasten

The #SITN Show (www.sitnshow.com) is a popular accounting & finance podcast listened to in over 150+ countries around the world. Getting an accounting qualification or finance certification is one of the best things to do to make a difference in our society. It potentially gives us a position from which we can help businesses make better decisions for the good of their customers, suppliers, communities, colleagues and yes owners and other financiers too. We can help increase the opportunity for all. So #SITN was established to leverage the value of mentoring: 1. To elevate the influence, impact, value, and difference we make for our organisations; and 2. To have more fun, rewarding, and meaningful careers in accounting & finance. In this way we make it more accessible to everyone in our profession, regardless or geography, professional affiliations, status, gender, etc… The fundamental premise of #SITN is that despite for all the challenges our profession is facing into, the seemingly accelerating rate of change, the new digital technologies and business models, we still have the ability to share with each other practical advice & experiences on what works well and what doesn’t, so that we can all plot better paths forward. Every Thursday we release a professionally produced podcast with a 30- to 40-minute interview that has been recorded with a guest mentor relevant to the finance & accounting profession. These guest mentors share their real success stories and hard-won lessons which are not found in any textbooks or on LinkedIn profiles. Together with the interviewer they deconstruct their experiences into the key strengths, qualities and practical ‘baby’ steps that others can also follow. On Mondays there is the popular #SITN Monday Memo which is a 5-minute debrief on a topical issue or useful piece of practical advice in accounting & finance. The show is accessible via: iTunes; Stitcher; Spotify; YouTube; and Soundcloud, with detailed time-stamped show notes, key quotes, resources & ways to connect with guest mentors at www.sitnshow.com.