Inside the Birdcage
Shameless - A podcast by Shameless Media

Oh my goodness WHAT A WEEK! On this episode we're covering the bachelorettes who can't help but spread dangerous health advice, whether or not the Melbourne Cup Carnival is unethical (and our experience in the Birdcage) and, finally, the Victoria's Secret Catwalk. RECOMMENDATIONS: This week, Mich recommended this episode of the The Tim Ferriss Show podcast with Seth Godin. Zara recommended the fiction book Normal People by Sally Rooney. Oh, and we are launching a RECOMMENDATIONS NEWSLETTER. Weeeee. You can subscribe to that right here. If that link doesn't work (damn podcast app) head over to our Insta bio @shamelesspodcast - we will also put the link there. To listen to Louise Adams' podcast, click here. Again, here is the fantastic piece on reaction culture written by Man Repeller's Haley Nahman. Thank you so much for joining us for episode 35! Before we go - we’re a little independent podcast. It’s just Zara and I sitting in her family's office. So if you love Shameless and want to help us grow, you can do a few things: The first is click ‘subscribe’ on Apple Podcasts, that helps new listeners find our show every week.. The second thing is you can tell a friend! Invite them to our Facebook group, Shameless Celebrity Gossip, or let other people know about us on your Insta Story. Lastly, send them this episode if they need some smart celebrity news in their life. This episode was produced by Michelle Andrews, with royalty free music from BenSound.