Shameless - A podcast by Shameless Media

G’day! It’s Thursday! Hooray! Today on the show, we bring you the remarkable Turia Pitt. Turia is an author, mining engineer, athlete, and motivational speaker. In 2011, she was caught in a grassfire while running an ultramarathon, suffering severe burns to 65 per cent of her body as a result. In the almost decade since, Turia is now one of Australia’s most inspiring voices. In this chat, we ask Turia exactly how she responds to her inner critic, as well as whether there’s pressure that comes with being such a leading voice on resilience at a time like this. Thank you so much to Andalou Naturals. Their products are currently 40 per cent off (!!!) at Chemist Warehouse’s online store. Click here to shop. If you’d like to see more from Turia, which you no doubt 1000% do, follow her on Instagram at @turiapitt. You can also find her School of Champions course here. If you’re after that In Conversation episode with Jess Quinn we mentioned at the end of today’s episode, click here. As for us? Here are all the links your heart desires... Our Insta profile. Our book-club. And our weekly newsletter! Shameless Podcast is an independent vehicle, run by three women, that's charged by the support of our incredible listeners - AKA you! So, if you'd like to support the show, hit 'subscribe' on Apple Podcasts and leave a five-star review if you think we’ve earned it. You can also click 'follow' on Spotify. Then sit back and bask in our eternal, abundant love. Your hosts are Zara Beach Hero McDonald (@zamcdonald) and Michelle Wants Michael Buble’s Attention Andrews (@michelleandrews1). This episode was produced by Annabelle Lee for Shameless Media.