A love letter to Florence Pugh
Shameless - A podcast by Shameless Media

Hi there lovely listener friends! On today’s show: Are we finally seeing the death of influencer unboxings? Plus, the sharp rise of Florence Pugh and her epic handling of online trolling, and then, how conspiracy theories are given room to thrive in a period of time like this one. This week, Mich recommended you watch Lion on Netflix, and Zara recommended another Netflix goodie, Unorthodox. Record a voice message and send it to [email protected] (that's *CO*.com) It can be about anything pod related! Or unrelated! We just wanna chat, pretty please. OK, we're done being clingy. Love you. Thank you so much to today’s sponsor, Lo Bros. Head here to find out more about their delicious bevvies. And because Lo Bros are oh so generous, they’re running the greatest competition ever for the greatest Shameless community ever. Go to our Instagram page to find out how to win a year’s supply of kombucha and WHADDYA STILL DOING HERE? Go go go! Craving more? You’re only human. Here are all the links your heart desires! Our Insta profile. Our Facebook Group. Our book-club. And our weekly newsletter! Shameless Podcast is very much an independent vehicle that runs on the support of our incredible listeners - that's you! So, if you’d like to support the show, we would like that very much. Hit ‘subscribe’ on Apple Podcasts or ‘follow’ on Spotify, and leave a review if you’re feeling especially generous. Then sit back and bask in our eternal, abundant love. Your hosts are Michelle Wants Michael Buble’s Attention Andrews (@michelleandrews1) and Zara Beach Hero McDonald (@zamcdonald). This episode was produced by Annabelle Lee for Shameless Media.