SPS 249 Using Your DISC Profile To Write & Publish A Book Successfully with Dr. Robert Rohm (Personality Insights)

Unlock the secrets of your writing prowess and elevate your publishing game! I had the privilege to sit with the renowned Dr. Robert Roem, an accomplished author and DISC assessment maestro, to dissect how the intricacies of personality types shape the way we write, communicate, and connect with our readers. Dr. Roem and I embark on a journey that promises to transform your understanding of self and how this crucial insight can powerfully impact your authorial voice and marketing strategies.Are you harnessing your personal strengths to their fullest potential? This episode is a goldmine for those eager to fine-tune their approach to crafting compelling narratives and fostering genuine engagement. We unravel the core differences between task-oriented individuals and those who thrive on emotional connections, mapping these tendencies to the DISC model's Dominant, Inspiring, Steady, and Conscientious personality types. By grasping these concepts, you'll not only enhance your writing but also master the art of collaboration and empathy in any team or community you're a part of.But wait, there's more to this than just understanding your writing style. Dr. Roem and I delve into the intricate dance of kindness and efficiency that sits at the heart of life's pursuits and marketing triumphs. With a nod to Dale Carnegie, we explore strategies that resonate with the emotional and rational sides of our audience, striking that perfect chord for success. And for those seeking a harmonious personal life, we share how the DISC model operates as a wellness tool, enriching relationships and communication in every sphere. Don't miss out on this treasure trove of insights that could very well be the key to unlocking your full potential, both on and off the page.Watch the free training: https://selfpublishing.com/freetrainingSchedule a no-cost call with our team: https://selfpublishing.com/schedule Here are some links that might come in handy: Apply for a free book consultation Register for our free on-demand training Must-watch episodes: SPS 044: Using A Free + Shipping Book Funnel with Anik Singal SPS 115: Using Atomic Habits To Write & Publish A Book with James Clear SPS 127: Traditional vs. Self Publishing: Which You Should Choose with Ruth Soukup SPS 095: The Five Love Languages: Selling 15 Million Copies with Gary Chapman SPS 056: How I Sold 46M Copies of My Self Published Book with Robert Kiyosaki

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Learn how to write an publish a book that changes lives. Every week, I interview your favorite authors - the most successful authors on the planet - to see how they write & launch their books and to learn how they use books to grow their business. I’m your host, Chandler Bolt - CEO of Self Publishing School / SelfPublishing.com and the host of the 7 Figure Principles Podcast. New episode every Wednesday.Watch a free training on how to write and publish a book in 90 days here: https://selfpublishing.com/freetraining