003: Andy Ramage: Using Passion To Fuel Your Purpose

“There is that calling that comes to us at some point - is this it? Some of us go with it and others get stuck. It’s never too late to act on it”. This conversation is with Andy Ramage, the founder of the wellness platforms One Year No Beer and Seneca Performance. Andy is a retired footballer,  a successful oil trader and now an author and entrepreneur helping people to live fuller, energised and more authentic lives. A lot of things can get in the way of us following our passions. A lot of them are self inflicted. Alcohol dependency is a common hindrance for many, and something that Andy found was holding him back during his days in the corporate world. He was able to transform his life by quitting alcohol using a method first described in his book ‘The 28 Day Alcohol-Free Challenge” and then made available to all through the One Year No Beer platform. By giving up the dependencies he was able to find the authentic version of himself and career autonomy. He also found that he was able to sleep better, boost Energy and beat anxiety through this practical approach. He is now someone who loves journalling, is a voracious reader and podcasts listener, plant-based and rises at 4am every morning to do daily walks in the forest near where he lives. He has gone from daily grind to reshaping his entire life: in this conversation he outlines his blueprint for you to do the same, including some practical things you can do right now and a reminder that it’s never too late - we are all just warming up! [Books referenced during this podcast: Andy Ramage: Let’s Do This: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Lets-Do-This-motivational-psychology/dp/1783253282 Will MacAskill: Effective Altruism: https://www.effectivealtruism.org/people/will-macaskill/ Daniel Kahneman: Thinking Fast Thinking Slow: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Thinking-Fast-Slow-Daniel-Kahneman/dp/0141033576 The Transtheoretical or Stages of Change Model Johann Hari: The Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression - And the Unexpected Solutions: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Lost-Connections-Uncovering-Depression-Unexpected/dp/163286830X AltMBA and Seth Godin: https://altmba.com/ On the Shortness of Life by ancient Roman philosopher Seneca: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/97412.On_the_Shortness_of_Life Henry David Thoreau: Walden: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walden Cal Newport: Deep Work: https://www.calnewport.com/books/deep-work/] Self-Centred Podcast is presented by Roann Ghosh and Epiphany Social Innovation.

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It takes guts to follow your own path, to unmute and and show up in life as a true and authentic version of yourself. Through a series of talks and conversations with purpose-led individuals, this series will give you the tools you need to find your true purpose to live your most meaningful and authentic life. Presented by Roann Ghosh and Epiphany Social Innovation.