Twincast / Podcast #152 "The Hollow Men" Transformers Twincast/Podcast - A podcast by - Sundays
Episode 152 of the Twincast Podcast sees the return of Mainframes, which takes a deep look into the world of Transformers comic releases from IDW Publishing. This episode's focus is on the recently concluded Dying of the Light story from the cult phenomenon, More Than Meets The Eye. This episode will completely "spoil" this story, and many plot points in the greater IDW Transformers story arc, for readers that have not caught up to this point in the story. Analysis of all the shocking twists and turns seen throughout the six issue run, along with general thoughts and speculation about future potential plot lines awaits. Theories about what might have been are also in store, plus don't miss a shocking conversation about what may have happened at the end, and how the goal of the quest may have been realized years ago without readers knowing.