Sustainable Fashion and Innovative Waste Management with Jessica Schreiber

How can the fashion industry become more sustainable? Jessica Schreiber, founder and CEO of Fab Scrap, gives us some innovative answers in this enlightening podcast episode. Jessica takes us on a journey into the world of sustainable fashion, examining the vast amount of waste produced during the design process of creating new collections. With a focus on improving sustainability, she explores potential solutions such as AI, virtual images, and sustainable packaging methods to reduce fabric s...

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Saving Tomorrow’s Planet investigates who’s doing what to save the planet & how we all can change to save it too. We are focussed on people actually doing things and not just talking about the need to do it. Solving the climate crisis needs “Innovators, Investors & Inspiring leaders” and that’s who we’re tracking down and talking to. Our conversations uncover innovative actions that individuals & companies are taking to reduce global warming and we also ask each guest to share their practical “tips and tricks” we can all use to reduce our environmental impact.