Sunday Sanctuary (7) - The Power of The Heart - Fiona Arrigo on dealing with the changing times of Coronavirus & Covid19

This week's Sunday Sanctuary topic is 'The power of the heart', the heart being the center of all spiritual traditions. In this Sunday Sanctuary Fiona invites you to take a look at our developing planetary heart, the importance of the heart, the new heart muscle, and what it looks and feels like. Fiona Arrigo is one of the foremost, internationally acclaimed   intuitive   healers….. a biodynamic psychotherapist, mentor and life   teacher, and acknowledged as a leader in her field. She is also Founder   of the   award-winning Arrigo Programme. Thank you for taking the time to listen. If you enjoyed this episode     please do comment, like, subscribe & share… that we can     collectively assist more people in these times. And for further information, social links & resources please visit You can also watch & listen to these podcasts in video format over at

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Fiona Arrigo’s weekly Sunday Sanctuary will offer support and guidance in these times of extraordinary change. Fiona will be sharing esoteric wisdom and practical guidance to support rest, inner reflection, grounded teachings, and interactive dialogue. This is a time to dive deep, come into peace, and cultivate new ways of being, to work with each other and our Earth as we pass through this moment, which we know will be impacting peoples lives in many different ways. Now, more than ever, is the time to do our inner work. All are welcome