Salsa Kings LIVE - A podcast by Andres Fernandez - Dance Personality


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Welcome to Episode of the Salsa Kings LIVE podcast


What is Balance? What does it really mean? It is a popular word lately not just among dancers, but people in general. We all want to create some balance in our lives, be it work-life balance, spiritual balance, or even just a balanced diet. For Andres, it is a singular issue, an understanding that things are all on the same level with no uneven weight. Andres suggests a different, more accurate word; harmony. Not only does a musical word fit better for dancers, but it also brings into focus the complexity and multifaceted nature that the term balance often fails to.


Harmony is a pleasant combination of different notes being played at the same time. There are many things coming together to create a pleasant unified experience. Here this is where numerous variables are considered and everything works together to create a pleasant experience.  Harmony is about respecting the circumstances and surroundings you have so that you can adjust and create an environment that is best for you.


In many ways, harmony and balance can be considered opposites. It is almost impossible to maintain balance in a world with constant changes, to keep everything completely equilateral. With harmony, you are adapting, changing to match the changes in the life, of your partner, and of course for the dance itself. Harmony, this constant change, is the opposite of the stasis that is balance. People should not be striving for balance so much as they should strive for harmony.


Dancers, in particular, need to use this approach to the dance. Leads need to predict their follow’s needs and weaknesses. Similarly, a follow needs to be able to react to the prompts that the lead is giving them. Both need to be able to change in terms of the music, its tempo, and even the atmosphere of the club. Just as this is done in dance, so should it be done in life. Both are ever-changing, with countless variables that you need to account for.


Balance is what everyone talks about, but harmony is what we should strive for. Change is unavoidable, so we should allow ourselves to be able to react to and with change. A static balance is impossible to keep in perpetuity because the factors will be different as time goes on. Instead, focus on harmony.


“The success of the dance as a whole is directly related to your positive experience coming out of it, and you being able to expand, your ability to express, your opportunity to smile, and connect with someone and a song, in which you weren’t able to before. Continue to challenge yourself, to be like water.”

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