Salsa Kings LIVE - A podcast by Andres Fernandez - Dance Personality


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Welcome to Episode 53 of the Salsa Kings LIVE podcast


On this episode, Andres addresses an all too common problem on the dance floor: what if you don’t like this song? Honestly, though? It’s an extremely selfish attitude to have. A dinner guest not eating what is served to them is incredibly rude. Similarly, a dancer refusing to dance to the music placed in front of them is inconsiderate and disrespectful to the people making the music, be it a DJ or a band. They are also creating something for you to enjoy.


This is your responsibility as a dancer. You have an ability to share your talents and music, to translate what the music is attempting to convey. Sitting a song out because you don’t like it is an abuse of this power and negligent of your responsibility that you have as a dancer to show the rest of the world the beauty of this song.


Rather than simply categorizing the songs into ones you don’t and do not like, Andres implores you to look at it from another perspective. If you don’t like it, what is it about this song that would make someone like it. If the DJ is playing this song, it is probably popular there, so there is probably a reason that it is being played there. This means that the audience there wants to see not just the music being played, but the dances that this particular kind of music invites.


Even if you don’t like the music, it’s important to have the ability to appreciate the music; the talent of the musicians and dj, the appeal, and the intent. A dancer needs to show appreciation for the work put in and what is being done. It is his or her responsibility to be the other part of that equation. If you are a dancer who has gone to a club to dance, it is your responsibility to be on the dance floor, getting others to do the same. 


Dancers are about bringing the joy of music and dance to others. This doesn’t mean that you have to love every song that comes up, but you do have to appreciate what the music does and why it is being played. A true dancer understands his responsibility is to communicate the intent and the artistry of the music, and to encourage others to do the same. To deny that experience is rude both to the musicians and the other dancers.


“...My friends were into hardcore and heavy metal rock. The first time I heard this I was like ‘what is happening?’ but it wasn’t until after the third or fourth song that I was seeing how my friend is surfing the swirls that I started to develop an appreciation for it. I didn’t all of a sudden like it but I understood because I saw his passion and I saw her love for country music. But being able to see others’ groove on their groove should allow you to do the same.”


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