Episode 66: UC Santa Barbara

In his latest podcast episode, on the intersection of science and spirituality, Rupert has a discussion with a group of scientists from UC Santa Barbara. They examine various aspects of non-duality such as how a clearer understanding of the consciousness-only model within the scientific community may give us a deeper understanding of reality and how that can help further scientific discovery and progress. The dialogue also covers topics such as the role of self-enquiry in reducing suffering and revealing peace and happiness, the dynamics of enlightenment or awakening and how true philosophy must be verifiable and derived from experience.  

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In this podcast series, Rupert Spira explores the non-dual understanding, expressed in different ways. Please subscribe if you would like to be notified whenever new episodes are available. If you would like to find out more about events, publications, and Rupert's archive of recordings, please visit rupertspira.com. Music written and played by Shena Power and recorded by Simon Power.