Episode 61: Hale Dwoskin (2nd Conversation)

In this Rupert Spira Podcast episode Rupert talks to Hale Dwoskin, author of ‘The Sedona Method’, about exploring, understanding and reslising the essential self. They start off by discussing the inward-facing path and how the recognition of our essential self as awareness is only a partial liberation from the tyranny of our thoughts and feelings. In order to completely free ourselves from the belief and feeling of separation and the suffering that attends it we also need to recognise the nature of that awareness.   

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In this podcast series, Rupert Spira explores the non-dual understanding, expressed in different ways. Please subscribe if you would like to be notified whenever new episodes are available. If you would like to find out more about events, publications, and Rupert's archive of recordings, please visit rupertspira.com. Music written and played by Shena Power and recorded by Simon Power.