Episode 56: Laura Coe

In this Rupert Spira Podcast episode, Rupert talks with Laura Coe from The Art of Authenticity on finding peace on the inside and love on the outside. In a delightful conversation they delve into topics such as ‘What is love?’, ‘What is the difference between pleasure and happiness?’ and ‘Is romantic love different from universal love?’. They also discuss what it means to live an authentic life and explore ways we can find genuine satisfaction in our careers.

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In this podcast series, Rupert Spira explores the non-dual understanding, expressed in different ways. Please subscribe if you would like to be notified whenever new episodes are available. If you would like to find out more about events, publications, and Rupert's archive of recordings, please visit rupertspira.com. Music written and played by Shena Power and recorded by Simon Power.