Following In The Footsteps of Barack Obama - IL State Sen. Robert Peters

IL State Sen. Robert Peters was born to a mom with addiction problems and was then adopted by a social worker and a civil rights lawyer, who raised him in the politically-active Hyde Park area in Chicago. He had a tough childhood -- he was born deaf, had a speech impediment, and tended to get into trouble as a kid. In spite of deaths in his family, unemployment, and a little bit of aimlessness, Robert's grit and commitment to his community brought him home. Now, he's the state senator representing the neighborhood he grew up in -- following in the literal footsteps of Barack Obama -- cosponsoring 13 different bills in his first year, and leading on making Illinois the first state to end cash bail. Listen to his story and learn more at Produced by Dear Media.

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Amanda Litman is the co-founder and executive director of Run for Something (and the author of a book by the same name) -- since launching in 2017, RFS has recruited 60,000 people to run for local office across the country. Every Tuesday, you'll meet some of the RFS candidates (and newly elected public servants!): They're parents, scientists, teachers, refugees, artists, veterans, and more, of all races and ethnicities -- the one thing they all share is their commitment to solving problems in their communities. If you're new to the political process, don't worry, we'll explain how the whole thing works. Subscribe and listen in for a conversation about politics in 2020 that, in spite of everything, will make you hopeful for the future.