16 - Making the Grade (and additional short gags & stories)
Rosa Remarks: a Don Rosa Podcast - A podcast by Mark

Guest Host: Markku Mujunen | Listeners, this episode covers an assortment of Rosa stories, gags, and ephemera; all the short Disney comics that didn't quite merit their own episode. Many of these were written by other writers (generally from the Netherlands), and one was ONLY written by him. "Making the Grade" receives the main focus, as the only finished story of ten pages in link. Other stories cover include: -Give Unto Others (7 pages) -the Starstruck Duck (10 pages, storyboard only) -Fir Tree Fracas (4 pages) -Back in Time for a Dime! (4 pages) -Forget Me Not (3 pages) -Additional 1-2 page gag stories This episode is a lot of fun, and will be enjoyed by completionists!