Travis Wild

Travis and I met a year ago, became fast friends and in that time, we’ve dived into some deep conversations. Travis’ story isn’t an easy one. In fact, Travis has had a rough childhood, and when Travis was 25 years old, he was diagnosed with testicular cancer. The reality for Travis is that not everyday is a good day, even though some might assume he’s living the dream, traveling with his dog Ayla in a Sprinter van. Instead of pretending that everything was okay, Travis started to share the uncomfortable parts in his life so that others would not feel alone. On this podcast, I talk with Travis about his past, his experience with homelessness and why he decided to live on the road.

Om Podcasten

The Roll with Me podcast features interviews with people who are living alternative lifestyles. Whether you're interested in vanlife, tiny houses or campers, there's something in here for each of you. Follow along as we ask the tough questions and explore why people live this way.