279: The great retirement lie & a better approach to financial planning

ANSWER THE CALL - A podcast by Angie Garner


When it comes to financial planning for retirement, many women have been told the same story for years: save money now and you'll be able to live comfortably in your golden years.    But what if that doesn't tell the full story? How many people do you know who this is actually working for?    In this episode, we'll go past the traditional advice and take a look at why that approach may not be enough. We'll also explore some smarter solutions for taking control of both your short-term budgeting needs and long-term goals—all before moving into tomorrow's sunset years. So get ready, because it's time to dispel the great retirement lie once and for all! Schedule your wealth strategy session with Angie: https://calendly.com/angiegarner/wealth-strategy-session

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