271: The Difference Between The Wealthy and Those Who Are Not

ANSWER THE CALL - A podcast by Angie Garner


Schedule a Wealth Strategy session with Angie: https://calendly.com/angiegarner/wealth-strategy-session   Wealth is much more than earning money. Wealth is a combination of learned strategies and behaviors that must be repeated year after year to maintain the flow of money into your bank account.   The goal is to create, sustain, and manage lasting wealth - not just for the near-term, but for your entire life! Which, in many cases, is passed down to future generations. This is the type of wealth that allows you to travel the world, create multiple streams of income, and sit back and relax while your money grows on autopilot.   My goal is to provide simple, sustainable, long-lasting wealth strategies so you can implement the strategies easily and without all the guesswork!    Listen to this episode to hear about the major difference between those who build wealth and those who never seem to get ahead financially.  

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