258: Overcome limiting beliefs and why success begins with your health! Interview with Executive Coach: Erica Rooney

ANSWER THE CALL - A podcast by Angie Garner


Do you ever feel overwhelmed when attempting to make a major life change?    Are limiting beliefs preventing your success or holding you back from achieving the goals that mean the most to you?    Girrrrrl, it is time to BREAK THROUGH that stinkin’ thinkin’ and step into your next level.  In this episode I chat with Chief People Officer & Executive Coach, Erica Rooney about identifying any negative mental blocks to free yourself up for embracing greater possibilities. You will learn powerful questions to help you step into true growth — both personally and professionally. We also chat about having a personal foundation rooted in health and how that exponentially impacts your life! JOIN THE RICH GIRL CLUB (it’s free!)  https://www.angelicagarner.com/freebies

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