252: How to Create an Aligned Vision for Your Life and Business

ANSWER THE CALL - A podcast by Angie Garner


Creating a life and business that are in alignment can be one of the most rewarding things you ever do! It can also be one of the most challenging. The first step is to get clear on what you want. What is your vision? What are your core values? What are your goals? Once you have a good understanding of these things, you can begin to put together a plan for how to make your vision a reality.   Here are some questions from this episode to reflect on:    -What does success look like to you?  -What kind of impact do you want to make in the world?  -What do you value most in life?  -How do you want to feel every day?  -What kind of relationships do you want to have?  -What kind of work do you want to do?  -How much money do you want to make?  -How do you want to spend your time?  -Where do you see yourself in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years?  -What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?  Grab your Brain energy snap HERE! https://velovita.com/angelicagarner/bran-page   JOIN THE RICH GIRL CLUB (it’s free!)  https://www.angelicagarner.com/freebies

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