192: THIS is holding you hostage from your dreams!

ANSWER THE CALL - A podcast by Angie Garner


Sister Friend, there is no such thing as a really rich victim. It’s just the truth.    AND— a victim mindset can be a hard thing to break out of. You may feel like you're stuck in a never-ending cycle of negative thoughts and bad luck.    But it IS entirely possible to change your thinking and take control of your life!    Listen to this episode and make the decision to break free from the victim mindset and start living your life to the fullest!!!!    PS: this your LAST CHANGE to grab your spot in my 12-week group coaching experience!! Learn how to monetize your passion for wellness; learn how to stand out from the MLM crowd! Read details here and DM me @makebankwithang with any questions at all: www.angelicagarner.com/6ff

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