171: Having money and wanting money is NOT selfish!

ANSWER THE CALL - A podcast by Angie Garner


There is a common misconception that wanting money, or seeking financial success, is inherently selfish...     In reality, there is NOTHING selfish about wanting money or being financially successful; it can actually be quite the opposite!     People who have money are diligent    People who have money provide jobs for others and contribute to the economy   People who have money can donate to charities and help those in need   People who have money can enjoy more life experiences   People who have money can provide a life with more options for their family   People who have money are not greedy - they can use their wealth to help others!!!     Money is an amplifier; it makes you more of who you are. Good people do good things with it.     Want to make more money?    Start the RIGHT business!    Take this quiz to discover which online hustle is best for your personality: https://www.angiegarner.com/free-quiz

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