133: Grow your wealth by focusing on your health

ANSWER THE CALL - A podcast by Angie Garner


Have you heard of #75HARD?    It’s a popular mental toughness challenge I recently committed to - and I’m LOVING IT! Ok, maybe I should check back in when I’ve done it longer than 12 days, lol.    But what I’m loving is the focus on my mental and physical health. And by simply making my health a major priority, it is affecting every area of my life in a hugely positive way.  My content is better. My energy is better. My VIBES are better; and when your vibes are high, you can’t help but attract more money and miracles.    Listen up for a kick in the bum to put your health first!   Come party with me on Instagram: @angie.garner Set your day up for SUCCESS with my morning routine (it’s free!): www.angiefreebie.com/guide/

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