The 9 GIFTS of the Holy Spirit explained W/ TJ Malcangi
Revival Lifestyle with Isaiah Saldivar - A podcast by Charisma Podcast Network - Tuesdays
"The first steps to receiving the gifts is to actually know what they are!" - TJ Malcangi In 2012, Evangelist T.J. Malcangi’s life was supernaturally transformed through an encounter with the raw power of the Gospel. The Lord delivered him from a life of sin & healed him of an incurable mental disorder called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), a generalized anxiety disorder that affects countless lives today. In Matthew 10:8, Jesus declares, “Freely you have received, now freely give.” The Gospel is not a gift to be hoarded or kept secret. What God will do for one, He is ready and present to do for all (Acts 10:34 // Romans 2:11). T.J. and his wife Kerry have been traveling, preaching the Gospel full time since 2016 in various countries worldwide. We have seen thousands commit their lives to Christ, but we know this is the beginning. “Once more in a little while, I will shake the heavens, the earth and the sea…and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory’ says the Lord of Hosts.” (Haggai 2:6-7) We are at the beginning of a worldwide awakening. Our MISSION is to use every platform and media accessible to get the Gospel into people’s hearts across this globe. “Knowing that it is HIGH TIME to awake out of sleep; for our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.” (Romans 13:11) We were born for such a time as this to plunder hell of the souls of this generation & populate heaven! People are hurting more than ever… the Gospel is needed more than ever. The problem of sin, sorrow, sickness & death remains the detrimental issue mankind continues to face. Jesus came to dominate every single one of those categories: “The Son of God was made manifest to destroy the work of the devil.” (1 John 3:7) Only the truth people know can set them free! (John 8:32) Beginning in 2017, by the grace of God, Salvation Now began organizing open air city crusades in Canada and plans to do so wherever the Lord lead us to. The problem has always been sin… The solution has always been the Gospel! The generation on earth today has not had a first hand encounter with the Jesus of the Bible. The hour is late, and the last few grains of sand are trickling through the hourglass of time… Today is the day of God’s favour. Now is the TIME for SALVATION! TJ Malcangi Website: Guest on podcast: TJ Malcangi Connect With Isaiah Saldivar, the Host of Revival Lifestyle Podcast To sow